I do a lot of studio work and though it does pay the bills, what I really love is to shoot on the go. Something I like to call “Guerilla Photography”, or Studio-on-The-Run”. Shooting in public places, such as Book stores, grocery outlets, restaurants, you name it.

Here’s Darling Clementine, for example, pretending to make a commercial for a local burger stand. Took management five minutes to catch on, during which, we captured this and several other stellar images. Learn more about Darling Clementine, Click Here.
Aubree Blue strikes a daring pose on the Portland State University Campus. We were in-and-out in 15 minutes, came away with several great captures. Learn more about Aubree Blue, Click Here.
Taking candid photos in public places, and particularly, in places where there is a measure of the unusual; the risk of being caught in the act of shooting, such as in a grocery store, pharmacy, or your local post office.
The Ikea store? Yes! Housing & Beauty Aids aisle at a nearby department store? You bet! Your local McDonalds, Dennys or Walmart? Absolutely.
Jillian and I climbed several flights of stairs to get to the rooftop of this downtown Portland building; set up a quick, portable key light & fill light, then snapped away for a good ten minutes, before building maintenance caught up to us … and helped us to the service elevator.
This does require shooting partners who have gall, courage and a lot of nerve. Fortunately, I am blessed with such shooting partners and we love concocting new ideas and stunts.