I am a sociological refugee, a would-be musician and a photographer. You will find a lot of great home-made music on this site, and some sterling photographs.  All of my friends are musicians, artists, “shoot partners” and other fellow  refugees. You’ll find music, photos and adventures of them as well.

My site’s been nuked twice, in the past few months. The first time, I lost eleven years worth of pages, photographs, songs and memories. Dealing with that sense of loss (ALL that work!) and trying to resurrect just may end up being as much fun as it is painful.

There may not always be a particular rhyme or reason for what you find here, much of this will be random musings, much of which will hold little interest to anybody who doesn’t actually know me. Maybe you’d be willing to get to know me? Be my friend? If so, this site will pay off in wonderful ways.