Alecia is a 2nd-tier actress and a scream queen. She’s done mostly made-for-video movies for the Cinemax-es of the world, low-budget horror films, and apocalyptic zombie flicks. She’s also a dear, sweet & intelligent girl and a great friend. I’ve done quite a bit of glam-type shooting with her, all of her industry Comp Cards and Portfolio work.
She says she’s going to buy a ’97 Olds Cutlass Supreme just like mine and fix it up, when she “makes it big” and I believe her. And I do think she’ll make it, her talent is abundant and her head is clear.

On the set of a raging apocalyptic schlock film. Beautiful, right?

Hours of prep time before first cut begins, and this happens every day, sometimes twice a day. But hey, it pays the bills and Alecia wears it well.
And yes, on top of all that, she is beautiful. In her business, the difference between getting to the next level or going home broke after years of effort, is slimmer than a sliver.
A recent, less gory schlock film but still a 2nd-tier cinema piece. She says the direction is good, the conditions humane, and loves the friends she’s been making in these endeavors.

Here are a few photos from my personal briefcase, out of my own lens. Take away all of the set-persona and she’s a glam doll. Gorgeous, sharp and dear.
In the end, this may all result in a pipe dream gone down the tubes. Or, it could end in Alecia breaking through to the next level, the one after that, and in dreams fulfilled. I hope to be around when that happens, I know she will always be my friend either way.